Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How does a neighbourhood group work?

What do neighbourhood groups do?

A group can do whatever suits its members. Groups can help each other with big chores such as lawn conversions, purchasing or spreading mulch, organise speakers, nursery or garden visits, swap produce, seeds or seedlings, or share equipment such as a trailer, mulcher or tools. Some of our groups organise regular catch ups at cafés or in each others gardens and share news and experiences with each other, and email each other of interesting events and happenings that they know of. As your group gets to know each other, you'll enjoy the support and connection with each other and be in contact as much or as little as you like.


How does a group keep in contact with Grassroots Gardeners?

For ease of communication, we recommend choosing one person in your group as a central point of contact with us. You can keep in touch with us via this blog, and use it to post your groups news, advertise event or ask questions to the wider network. Its also our community notice board for all events happening in the network and events of interest in the wider community.

Alternatively, our Head Gnome, Jen Horne, can be reached via garnome@bigpond.com or on (08) 6389 2351.

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